Summer in the South


    Kiki & Polly

    90 degrees, school is out and there is one week until the official first day of summer. I have already been to the pool enough times with my kids in the past couple of weeks to do me for the season but oh the joys of summer time!
    The 4th of July is a few weeks away but the town has already flocked to the coast for some relief from the heat and beach living. I can't wait myself to head down for a little rendezvous to my favorite summer spot and soak up some sun and sand with family and      friends.

    Marysia at Fleur  

    Before you leave town be sure and drop by the newly relocated Fleur a ladies clothing store at North Hills. Owners Christina Allen, Eliza Stoecker and Louise Stowe moved their Cameron Village store in May to the main thoroughfare at North Hills between Jolly's Jewelers and Vermillion.

    Fleur continues to carry the brands that they have built their clientele with such as brands Alice and Olivia, See by Chloe and Calypso. A couple of years ago they added shoes to their list of stylish finds in their chic boutique and now in the new store they have added fashionable swimsuits by Charleston, SC based designer Marysia Reeves and tunics by Roberta Freyman...all of which are flying off the racks!

    Roberta Freymann Tunic

    Roberta Pareo


    Marysia Reeves home on Folly Beach which is an island south of Charleston was featured in this month's Coastal Living. If you have never been to Folly, I would highly recommend taking a trip off the beaten path to this little surfer's paradise. The highest building on the island is 8 stories tall and it is the one and only hotel. The rest of the island is charming little bungalows and houses that line the streets with bicyclers cruising around. Definitely don't miss the Taco Boy, it is the social scene of the island, Moroccan decor and music abound.
    Reeves background in dance and then fashion, working for Milly, shows in her swimsuit designs...playful yet chic, love!
    Fleur is hosting her trunk show through the 15th so hurry in to order any color, style or design. Call the girls there and they can answer any questions you may have.
    (919) 828-0602
    Here are some more great pictures from Reeves home in Coastal Living.

    Very cute suits, available in other colorways!

    Photos Courtesy of Fleur and Coastal Living

    Love the porch, I could use a little R and R.

    Sea Bags

    I have loved these bags since I found them a few years ago and now I can spread the word about how great they are! They come in 3 different sizes, different logos available and are made from recycled sails. Every bag they make has sailed around the world before it leaves their shop to come to you!  They have even added wine bags to their menu. These are all perfect for your trip to the beach especially if you have to carry a million bottles of sunscreen, band aids, wipes, diapers, yada, yada, get the picture.

    Pictures courtesy of Sea Bags

    Wine Bag

    Coral Sconces

    In April I posted some sconces from Moth Designs in my Beach Chic post. A talented girlfriend of mine fell in love with those and got busy coming up with a version of her own which I think turned out fabulous! The price for the pair is yet to be determined but if you are interested let me know. Depending on the interest and demand, you can order them in different colors, etc. we are still working out the kinks.

    Favorite Beach Rooms

    Images Courtesy of Coastal Living, Domino, Elizabeth Martin Design and House Beautiful

    Pink Wallpaper

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Summer in the South

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