Problem Solved

    Working on this blog definitely has it rewards and I love the process of coming up with ideas, finding the information, writing it and the satisfaction of actually posting a blog. It is actually unbelievable to me that I am doing this, with 3 kids, husband, a small business and the list goes on but this little space is makes me really happy!
    The technical side of it, not so for the past couple of months I have had my wonderful graphic designer tweaking my site graphics here and there to bring my business logo aboard. Finally this week my computer tech guy made it possible for you to subscribe to Life of Style via email and receive mail through your main email accounts not GMail. 
    I know some of you have had problems with this. If this is something you would like to do then the option is the first icon on the right hand side. Small issue, easy for him to fix, big problemo for me...Solved.
    Thank you for all your kind words and support and please continue to request products or items you would like to see, I will do my best to feature them! 

    Celerie Kemble's Home Office Courtesy Mimi and Meg

    Talk about green with of my best girlfriends had the opportunity to spend some time with one of my all time favorite designer's Celerie Kemble yesterday while hanging out in Lela Rose's Manhattan apartment. I don't have any details yet because she is still bumping elbows with the likes of Scarlett Johannson but when she gets back I am going to coerce her into guest blogging to tell us all about Mrs. Kemble and ask her if she happened to have mentioned me to her...wink wink!

    Celerie Kemble's Manhattan Office Instyle Home

    Lela Rose and Celerie Kemble Harper's Bazaar

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