David Horowitz: 'It's Time for the Jews to Stand Up for Themselves'

    I've been home from the Freedom Center's West Coast Retreat for a few hours. I'm decompressing. I've attended loads of professional conferences in the past, but never to one as intellectually stimulating as this one. I've got more photos to upload and publish, and I'll be doing some long-form analysis of events here and at NewsReal Blog. (Previous entries are here and here.) At the check-in table on Friday, I picked up some of the literature from the Freedom Center. Available in a glossy print format was David Horowitz's essay, "It's Time for the Jews to Stand Up for Themselves." It's a report from David's lecture at Brooklyn College, which was touch-and-go for a while, due to a campaign of intimidation that was being planned by pro-jihad campus organizers. It turns out that CUNY trustee Jeffrey Wiesenfeld put some heat on Brooklyn's administration, and security was beefed up in time, which facilitated a successful event. It's worth reading the whole essay at FrontPage Magazine. Meanwhile, it's also worth sharing the related smear job on Horowitz at Mondoweiss, the rabidly anti-Israel hate-site which I referenced recently on the five-year anniversary of Mearsheimer and Walt's "The Israel Lobby." The fiends at Mondoweiss spliced a video hit-job on Horowitz, taking his comments out of context in an attempt to smear him as "racist." The Freedom Center put together a rebuttal, and both those are below. And here's this from Mondoweiss' Zoe Zenowich, "King hearings come to Flatbush: David Horowitz stokes anti-Muslim sentiment at Brooklyn College":
    Brooklyn College had its own Peter King hearing last night when right-wing commentator David Horowitz spoke to a feisty crowd of students and faculty.

    At first I debated whether or not to even give voice to what David Horowitz said. After all, it is pretty well known that Horowitz is the Glenn Beck of Zionists—a rambler of hate who continually contradicts himself and history.

    But given the current political climate and the audience filled with faculty and students who eagerly echoed Horowitz’s calls of anti-Muslim sentiment, I feel it is important to document.

    Outside the library where the lecture was held, security guards insisted that ten or so peaceful protesters huddled in the rain stand behind steel gates they had brought out for the occasion. Inside, security guards searched bags before running a handheld metal detector over everyone entering the lecture hall—security measures I have never before experienced in my four years of attending guest speaker events at the college. In his opening comments, Horowitz remarked, “How does it feel to go through a check point? I’ll tell you one thing, I feel safer and that’s what check points are about—making people feel safe when they’re under attack by terrorists and Middle East Jew haters. “ Later, Horowitz added, “check points are there to protect the innocent from the guilty.”

    Perhaps it was no coincidence that Horowitz was brought on campus with the help of two faculty members only a month following the controversy over the school administration’s decision to reinstate Political Science adjunct Professor Kristofer Petersen-Overton, who was fired following outside political motivation due in part to his scholarly work on Palestinian national identity. Horowitz was sure to make reference to the apparent “hostile environment” that “liberal professors” create and to which students are subjected. Apparently, “Jewish organizations across the country have been intimidated from presenting their case.”

    But it became all the more clear last night that this so-called “hostile environment” is something being created by the very people pointing to its existence.

    You can continue reading this lying manifesto here. Zoe Zenowich quotes Horowitz comments on the Palestinians, but offers no factual rebuttals, only more allegations of "hate speech."

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David Horowitz: 'It's Time for the Jews to Stand Up for Themselves'

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