Party Perfect
My baby, the true last baby, #3 turns one on the 22nd and we celebrated his 1st birthday today by having a nautical, sea themed party at our pool. The idea of this theme all started from this picture of the sailboat I saw posted on Sara Hicks Malone's Party Perfect blog If you have not seen her blog, it is certainly one not to be missed or saved as a favorite! Sara is a friend of a friend and after visiting her site once, I utterly fell in love.
Photos Courtesy of Sara's Party Perfect Blog
Sara was formerly an art director for Martha Stewart baby and Kids magazines. She is now a designer for Hicks Paper Goods which is a division of the Whitney English Company...oh and a mother, graphic designer, illustrator and blogger. I love a woman with so many talents!
Our celebration started with this adorable invitation I found on Tiny Prints. I love to support my local businesses but found myself quite behind from the Memorial Day weekend.
My gracious and talented mother whipped up this sailboat cake which not only looked great but was super yummy!
Treats for the kiddies
Beverages for everyone
Adorable tablecloths, you wouldn't believe what a deal....
A Happy Baby Boy!
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→The Big Celebration
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