Pomparippu too is of historical value as urns containing the remains of those belonging to pre Vijayan times have been excavated from that site. Also between Palangaturai and Kollankanatte are the remains of an old harbour.
In 1905, the designated area in Wilpattu was declared a sanctuary. Thereafter it was upgraded to national park status on February 25, 1938. However, the Wilpattu National Park was closed to visitors from December 1988 due to the prevailing situation in the country and the unstable security conditions in that area.
After a sixteen year hibernation, it was reopened to visitors on March 16, 2003, much to the relief of many nature lovers who had missed out on the natural treasures of Wilpattu during its closure.
After a sixteen year hibernation, it was reopened to visitors on March 16, 2003, much to the relief of many nature lovers who had missed out on the natural treasures of Wilpattu during its closure.
How to get there
Willpattu can be reached from Chilaw going north along west coast from colombo or coming from Anuradhapura
Willpattu can be reached from Chilaw going north along west coast from colombo or coming from Anuradhapura
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→Wilpattu National Park
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