Height: 5'7"
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Student: In the universuty of Life, Positive Thinking!!!!
Cabin Crew member Sri Lankan Air Lines- Our national Carrier.
Interests: Travelling! As I crew member and Model I travel to many countries. having lunch in one country and Dinner in another is exciting. It is also very educational. U can learn so much about different cultures and lifestyles.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
My Fiance, Saliya. Growing up in a single parented [MOM] woman dominated Family has given me that extra strenth and courage to be a go getter. But he filled in a void in my life that I never knew existed.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you (aside from winning your title) and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
When I was thirteen I experienced floods. I woke up that morning to step in to knee lenth water. I had fun though the elders had to re do every thing to re- build our lives. Re-doing my school books was not fun though. But I learnt that every thing in life is temporary!
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
To model my own designer label on foriegn ramp. designing for my self, sticting the and then markting them by opening my own boutique was a starter. currently I am planning some local fashion shows. Reognized as a top ramp model locally I am marching my way to international stardom.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was brought up in a typical burgher family inbetween two brothers. Was called the rose between two thorns. My Christian backgroung has helped me imensly. Have lived a very tom boyish childhood a total transformation to what I am now.
What is your most unusual talent?
Doing several things at the same time. [Crew member, Model, Actress, Designer, entrepreneur, Dancer] and reached heights in them too.

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→Rozanne Diasz - Miss Sri Lanka 2005
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